Groundhog Day

Image from the movie "Groundhog Day"

Image from the movie “Groundhog Day”  Columbia Pictures.  Distributed February 12, 1993

It is Groundhog Day, a day when people in the snowy northern latitudes of the Western Hemisphere will be anxiously waiting for the outcome.  Will there be an early spring, or will there be 6 more weeks of winter?  Yes this is Canada, the “Land of the Great White North”.  By the time January rolls into February we have already experienced 8 to 10 weeks of winter, and with those brave souls further north much more.  Seed catalogues are arriving in the mail with enticing pictures of beautiful flowers, and scrumptious, organic, pesticide free vegetables that I can grow and hand pick fresh from the garden.  I put the catalogue down, and look out the back yard to where the garden is supposed to be, and all I see is blanket of white.

Somewhere out there is my garden.

Somewhere out there is my garden. 

Groundhog Day, is when Canadians and people in the northern United States await the long range weather forecast. It is all folklore with a lot of fun and festivities, like the Groundhog Day festivals that some towns host. Sometimes the groundhog is correct in his or her prediction, and sometimes well the groundhog is completely wrong. And sometimes people take the groundhog MUCH too seriously, if the prediction is NOT what they wanted to hear.

The month of February is still very much winter.  However the days are getting noticeably longer, and the warmth of the sun seems stronger.  March is very unpredictable, but often known for being very blustery.  It could be all winter throughout all of March, OR it could be winter with some very pleasant spring jacket types of days.  On March 1st I will be running a half marathon (appropriately called the “Chilly Half Marathon”), and have no idea what to expect other than it being a “cool” experience.  🙂

Who is that crazy old fellow, the only one out on this deserted street, on this cold winter day????

Who is that old fellow, the only one “crazy enough” to be out on this deserted street, on this cold winter day?

I love all the seasons in Canada.  Each are very beautiful and unique.  In winter, activities like cycling and running can still be done, but should be done much more cautiously due the slippery conditions.  Activities unique to winter are skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, tobogganing and snowmobiling.  Ice hockey is our national sport.  Although it can be played year round with artificial ice, there is nothing as wonderful and refreshing, as lacing up the skates on a frozen pond or outdoor rink.  The family 2 doors down has flooded their entire front yard as a skating rink which is so neat.  In fact until very recently, there was a picture of children enjoying a game of outdoor shinny on the $5 bill.  There is nothing more “Canadian” than that…eh!    🙂

Winter scene on Canadian $5 bill. Image via

Winter scene on Canadian $5 bill. Image via

With my dear readers coming from different parts of the world, here is a little “get to know one another” assignment.

1.  What country/area would you currently call home?

2.  What is the weather like there now/  (that age old question)  🙂

3.  What recreational activities are popular there this time of year?

Thanks for dropping by and reading!  🙂


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  1. Good luck in your upcoming marathon! I don’t know how you can run outdoors in winter though! I’ve never had enough motivation to get out the door. I guess that’s the hardest part. In Japan, skiing is by far the most popular winter sport for all ages 🙂

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    • Thank you for taking the time to read and respond Celia from Japan. Running here in winter is tricky, I do pick my days. The colder the temperature becomes, the less slippery the snow becomes, because it is crunchier, which is great, but it is those days when it is frigid, I have a hard time myself to find the motivation to get out the door. 🙂

      The pictures I have seen on your blog of the mountains are beautiful, plus of course, following the winter Olympics just last year in Sochi, the skiing would be absolutely wonderful (and challenging for a beginner like me)…lol.

      Thanks again for dropping by! 🙂


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  2. I am envious of the snow. I guess it is typical for us to want what others have, right? I am in South Carolina, and our winter sport is golf. 🙂 We have erratic weather in January and February, with the temperature often shifting at least thirty degrees in a day’s time. I miss the distinct changing of the seasons as we will go straight from winter to summer and summer to winter with only a few short weeks of “fall” and “spring” in between. 🙂

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  3. I love the picture of the wolf! So funny! Well, here goes…
    1. I’m from Alabama. If it snow flurries here, the schools shut down frantically

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  4. Sorry! I hit reply too soon!:) anyway, we don’t get much snow at all, and when we do, we play like kids for about thirty minutes and then we worry the power will go out, and that we will run out of milk and bread.:)
    The weather here can be a chilly 20 degrees one day and 60 degrees the next during the winter months.
    I admire your diligence in running in such cold and icy conditions, Carl!
    Even though winter in Alabama isn’t exactly harsh, I long for the long, beautiful, sweltering days of a southern summer. It’s my favorite season by far!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Paige for such a beautiful, detailed response. I am learning a lot already. Somehow I always picture Alabama as that hot, sweltering, humid type of weather (your type of weather) 🙂 I had no idea sometimes the temperature dips down into the 20’s, with the occasional snow.

      We do have amazing snow removal crews that work tirelessly to try and keep the roads plowed and cleared. Hydro crews are always on call if there is a power outage, but still they recommend and advertise often to have preparations for a 72 hour outage. The houses here are well insulated. I can understand the concern if there is a winter power outage where you live.

      Thanks again for reading and sharing! 🙂


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  5. Good luck for your marathon! The nose is what needs it the most 😀 My busted knee ensures I can’t run more than 3k so taking it easy from the couch.
    I hail from India… we have a festival on 14th Jan which marks longer days and shorter nights; Makar Sankranti we call it. Winter is slowly easing off. And believe it or not, this is a season for weddings! We are virtually wedding hopping this month.

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    • OH NO, Prajakta, I was not aware of your busted knee. I am so sorry to hear this. Am glad you are taking it easy to give your knee a chance to heal.

      Thank you for sharing about India, and Makar Sankranti. Quickly googled it. It is so very widely celebrated, and wow, the food recipes look amazing. (I love East Indian food). There is differences, but also similarities with our “groundhog day festivals” in that it marks that winter is slowly easing off.

      I am picturing a wedding in India as a 2 or 3 day celebration. Would this be correct?

      Thank you again Prajakta, for “playing along” and sharing a little about India. Love the international flair, and the different cultures in the blogging world! 🙂



  6. You know I love running in the snow! Although, yesterday, I chickened out and dreadmilled it while watching House Hunters International on HGTV. The people were looking at properties in Belize and it made me sad. I guess that’s what I get for being a chicken! Great post, as always! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha, ha, I’m so sorry, I just can not picture you watching people looking at properties in Belize in House Hunters International. My perception has always been that you are the “ultimate snow warrior”. “COME ON CANADA, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT? BRING IT ON!” 😀

      I do feel the same way about “dreadmills”. My youngest daughter is 16, and is also a runner (always runs alone). As a father, am concerned for her safety, so I did get her a treadmill. It remains unused, and I respect her and understand why!

      Thank you for sharing your “human side” with this most descriptive and engaging comment. You are such a funny, entertaining, vivacious blogger who brightens up everyone’s day! 😀


      Liked by 1 person

      • LOL – even warriors need a break once in a while. 🙂

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      • While reading your latest comment on my last post, I accidentally deleted it! 😥 Anyway, I’m not sure why WP only leaves the “undo” button up for 2 seconds, but I wanted to say thank you for reading and commenting in case you didn’t see my reply. Technology…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Whoops…:)

        It has happened with me before as well. There is that sinking feeling, while scrambling to “undo” before that 2 seconds, and grasping into space to retrieve those words, wherever they went.
        I ALWAYS love reading your posts.

        It is getting harder to keep up with everyone’s blog, and I don’t follow nearly as many as some bloggers. I am sure each blogger has their “faves”, I do myself, so when I see one of your posts, I think “YEAAAH” 🙂 Always love reading your blog. 🙂

        Yes, I did get your reply. Thank you so much. I can definitely identify with my own mom “looking me up and down”. Even as a middle aged adult. 🙂

        Thank you for this message and for your support and friendship! 🙂


        Liked by 1 person

      • Likewise, Friend! Your posts are always a pleasure to read. 🙂

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  7. Aww, I have heard the groundhog day from Canadian colleagues here – it sounds fun 🙂 and yes, I can imagine the expectation to Spring! That’s how we felt here in the Netherlands too 🙂 I am new to your blog and I feel I am going to enjoy your posts on the long run! Let me introduce myself –
    1. I live in Rotterdam. Rotterdam is the second big city in the Netherlands after Amsterdam. We have much modern architectures compared to Amsterdam 😉
    2. Now we have (wet) winter – gloomy skies and windy 😦
    3. February and March usually a popular months to go for winter holiday – like going skiing to other countries around Europe that have thicker snow and mountains. And yes, there are some people who keep running. One of them is my buddy dive, he is also preparing for half marathon in March!

    Best wishes for your half-marathon training Carl! Watch out for those slippery frozen roads!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Indah, thank you so much for taking the time for such a wonderful, detailed reply. I saw your comment this morning on my e-mail, but with a slower internet connection, it was taking too long to get logged into WordPress. By then, I was off to work. I only have my home computer for blogging. I felt dreadful that I could not get your comment off moderation this morning. Hopefully there will still be some readers drop by, see your comment and check out your wonderful blog. 🙂

      Thank you for sharing about your homeland. I loved reading about it. You have such amazing travel destinations, yet I am sure it is always great to arrive back home. I have never been to Europe, but am always fascinated that a person can take a short flight, and be in a completely different country for a ski vacation. 🙂

      Oh yes Indah, the closest Ground hog festival is in Wiarton, about a 2.5 hour drive. The groundhog is called Wiarton Willie. His forecast says an early spring! 🙂

      Thank you for the best wishes for my run. And best wishes for the half marathon for your diving buddy! 🙂



  8. Good luck on your “chilly marathon”. No thanks. I currently live in Wilmington, NC. It was 63 here yesterday, and sunny. Today, the temp is falling and raining, and will be 25 here tonight. Our winter is usually fairly mild, with an occasional cold spell. We lived in Sioux City, Iowa for 7 years, so we are very familiar with long bouts of cold and snow, sometimes not seeing the actual ground from November til end of March. And I admire you out running in that cold winter scene…I’d be the one by the fire with a beer.

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    • LOL….thank you so much for reading and commenting. I often have heard you talk of Wilmington, with your running, but was not sure what state it was in. Boy 63 degrees, and sunny sounds SOOOO wonderful. Yesterdays’ run was -18C (or 0 degrees Fahrenheit). Being as cold as it was, traction very good, but it has been a learning curve to know how much layering I need. Did a 5 mile run yesterday, was thinking I dressed perfectly, until I did my turnaround. Pretty well froze with the wind chill coming back. Was running into a very strong, icy cold wind. Could have used the hot fire to sit by when I got back…LOL 🙂


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  9. Carl,
    You are really so funny. I love your posts. You can still run, “but more cautiously”, ha! Had me laughing. And the Bill Murray pic. I cannot believe was ’93..thankfully I only recently saw it on TV, not the original, of course, 😉
    No one spoke of your money, but it is gorgeous. So glad you showed a picture of that. Here in the US ours just stays the same. Ugly, green. LOL. Absolutely love you change the pictures.
    We are from the East Coast US. I am not too sure that many people go outside during the winter to do any activities other than shovel snow. Ahahaha. Younger kids play in it, of course. At this time of year most Americans do love their football. With the Super Bowl just ending. And here in Pittsburgh and many other places they also love to watch hockey. There are many teams for kids to do both as well.
    Weather, snowy. Snowy and cold. I enjoy looking at the snow only from the inside warmth of my home. That is my winter activity. 🙂 I am longing to give that up one day for a warm sunny beach.
    Good luck on your marathon. xx ~Chanel

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    • Chanel, this is so wonderful for you to stop in and share a little bit about your homeland! I LOVED reading all about it. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 🙂

      Living on the Eastern Coast like you do, you sometimes get some pretty big snowstorms. Yes, lots of shovelling. We even hear about them sometimes up here in Canada.

      I watch hockey, and yeah Pittsburgh is a huge hockey city….many Stanley Cups for those penguins. 🙂

      I don’t know how I would manage if all my money were always the same color, as I immediately identify the denomination by the color. Colors always stay the same, but the pictures on the bills change every few years. The $5 bill is blue, $10 is purple, $20 a lime green, $50 a bright red, and $100 is a brown. (very few of those last 2 denominations ever slip through my hands….LOL)

      Hopefully Chanel one day you will be able to escape the snowy and cold winter, and arrive at a warm sunny beach. The is my wish for you my very dear friend. Thank you for such a beautiful response. It put a smile all over my face! 😀

      ~Carl~ xx

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      • hahahahaha……you really are so funny, Carl, 🙂 And yes, those Penguins. I am not native to “the Burgh” although close enough it is maybe scandalous I do not care. hahaaa
        Thank you so much for the explanation on your money…I am for some reason just fascinated by it. As you can see I am oh so traveled!! 😉 But to me it is very pretty. Ty for explaining more.
        See you soon…stay warm. I will be watching my weather out my window. ❤
        xx Chanel

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      • LOL….how wonderful to open up my e-mail morning with this delightful response.
        Yeah, we do love the colors on our Canadian money. We at one time has a $1 and $2 bill. The $1 bill was replaced by a coin called a “loonie”, because there is a picture on it, of a bird found in Canada called a loon, and the $2 coin is called a “two-nie” Just a bit more trivia my dear friend. 🙂
        Have a wonderful day. Yes, I will try and keep warm! ❤
        ~Carl~ xx

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      • Very cool, ty 🙂 xx ~Chanel

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  10. I loved your use of pictures. Some blogs pictures are little more than emoticons. Your pictures help make your point.
    I am in South Point, Ohio. This is the southern most tip of Ohio, right on the Ohio River. It is cold and dreary. We are still waiting for a good snow. The one day of ice we had was a driving disaster. The mountains of West Virginia, right across the river, have skiing, but this year has been unseasonably warm.
    Favorite winter activity, is movies. There are a few joggers and bike riders out there, plus some hunters, but if you don’t do that the gym or exercise tapes at home is how you get exercise. Getting away to somewhere warm is the most desired winter activity.

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    • Thank you so much April for stopping by to read and to share. Love pulling my world atlas out and having a bit of a geography lesson. It is not detailed but I see where West Virginia meets Ohio. You would be almost straight south “by the way the crow flies” from me. 🙂

      Those ice storms are brutal. We get 2 or 3 of those a winter up here, but mostly snow. The winter this year up here has been pretty seasonal.

      There are quite a few Canadians that do head further south to warmer destinations. Some retirees I know have a trailer or condo in Florida. If they spend the winter there, we call them “snowbirds”. And movies are a great winter activity.

      Thank you for sharing a wonderful detailed response. 🙂


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  11. Hello Carl.
    (I want to apologize for leaving this comment here, I don’t know where else I could leave it. Sometimes I wish WP had a direct message.)

    I just wanted to know if you’d be interested in being in an interview on my site? If so, send me your email address so I can send some questions your way. It would be featured here. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. carl, your blog is making me want to run outdoors (right now I am a treadmill girl) – and well, I am in richmond virginia – we have cold winters – but not really enough snow (we like all four seasons though and would never want to live in a tropical climate year round) – I liked the humor in this post too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and kindly commenting. LOVE hearing where all my blogging friends are from.
      Been reading up on the Appalachian Trail, and it is pretty cool that there is more miles of trail in your state than any other! 🙂
      Yes, you would have 4 distinct seasons.
      Yeah, I am an outdoor runner, but there is a higher risk for injury, particularly in winter. I commend you for keeping in shape on the treadmill! 🙂
      Thanks again for stopping by and reading! 🙂

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  13. I hope the half went well!! I live in California, and we don’t even wear a jacket most of the time. It’s wonderful, but we MISS the snow! DC always got enough to keep us satisfied. I think Canadians are amazing. I don’t know if I’m tough enough!

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    • Yes California! I see your pictures, and I think WOW! 🙂
      In Canada, when you grow up with snow all your life, you get used to it, and learn to find ways to enjoy it. And April, you are pretty tough, I’m sure you would manage just fine up in Canada! 🙂
      Yes, I think I would miss the snow, if I were to live in an area where they experience no snow.
      Thank you for reading and sharing! 🙂


  14. We’ve had a week of sixty degrees here in Montana! Ug. Although the warmth is nice, we’re going to pay for it in the form of fires this summer!

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    • Always wonderful having you drop by Ashley. WOW, you having warm weather in Montana. Back in the early 1980’s, in December, I remember crashing for a couple hours at a East Montana truck stop.
      We were coming back from the Canyonlands in Utah, and returning to British Columbia. It was SO deep freeze cold. Have never forgotten that.
      Thank you my friend for reading and commenting. And hoping you get some cooler temperatures and moisture.


  15. 1. What country/area would you currently call home?

    Brooklyn, New York

    2. What is the weather like there now/ (that age old question) 🙂

    Cold, wet, snowy, icy, frosty, slushy, just plain ugly!

    3. What recreational activities are popular there this time of year?

    Well there are actually people who go snowboarding and skiing in upstate New York and/or Ice skating at Rockefeller Center, however I am not one of them. Except for work and worship services I basically cocoon until the temps get above my age and considering my age that may take a while!! LOL!! I am a firm believer in hibernation. Staying under the covers with a hot chocolate by my side and some Film Noir on YouTube or Netflix is a perfect way for me to spend these nasty winter days.

    My favorite season is summer and when I retire in about 3 years I plan on moving to a warmer climate. Maybe the Southwest or even the U.S. Virgin Islands. As I get older I find that arthritis and winter do not mix. Even the birds have enough sense to fly south for the winter and so will I in due time.

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    • Deborah, thank you for reading and sharing such a wonderful, detailed response. You brought a smile to my face as you described “hibernation”. Yep, even the birds fly south. In Canada, the retirees who go south (mostly to Florida) from here, we call “snowbirds”. A very fitting term. 🙂

      I sincerely hope you get to go to a warmer retirement destination! 🙂

      Thank you again for sharing! 🙂



  16. Carl, wonderful post, hopefully spring will arrive early for you this year. Actually, ha-ha, I got cold just reading this! I’m a native and a local of a coastal city in Southern California, the weather here is beautiful, as a matter of fact we are having a warming trend, mid 70’s right now, which is wonderful for winter, what more could you ask for? As far as recreational activities, the sky is the limit, because of the climate. Wishing you the best in your upcoming “Chilly Half Marathon”, stay warm! Please take good care!

    Warm wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Pepperanne for your warm wishes, with such a wonderful warm comment to warm me up on this cold Canadian winter’s day.

      I visited southern California once with a friend,
      way back in April 1985 to do a bunch of outdoor activities, and absolutely LOVED IT! 🙂

      Drove down that scenic #1, camped in the redwoods, went as far as LA, then up to Kings Canyon/Sequoia National Park, Death Valley (loved this place…so different from what I am used to), Vegas, and then the Grand Canyon.

      As you mentioned, the sky really was the limit. Loved reading your reply. California is so beautiful. It has the ocean, the mountains, the desert.

      Thank you so much Pepperanne, for reading and sharing your comment! 🙂


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  17. Hey there Carl,

    I’ve been living in Georgia the past 15 years and loving it. There are few weather restrictions on most activities here. It was in the sixties two days ago and a high in the thirties today. Golf, Hiking, Tennis you name it. I don’t run but I love to walk the local neighborhoods and park trails. Any sign of snow in these parts constitutes a state of emergency!.

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  18. Hi, back again. I felt comfortable here, in your blog=space. I miss home, Oroville Wa. I hear it’s still winter there too. I am cuttently in Reno Nv. helping family. Thankyou for the follow, and I will have to stalk you too.

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    • So glad you feel home here Rusty, especially with you being away from home. Washington would certainly be different from Nevada,, and I am sure you would miss the seasons. So good of you to assist your family, sincerely hope everything is going to be okay!
      Thank you for your comment! 🙂

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  19. First & foremost Carl, GOOD LUCK on your run in March!! Hope t’s not too cold on that day 🙂
    But i’m in Brooklyn, NY and the weather has been FRIGIDLY cold lately. Some days it goes up to the low 30s, but there have been many days where it hasn’t even left the teen numbers. CRAZY winter this year! But i hope that these longer days & warmer sun rays means that spring is approaching soon lol. Great post!!


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