Running Into 2016

During Christmas Day, my 18 year old son was mentioning the older he gets the quicker time flies.  There is a lot of truth in that.  And when you get into the late 50’s like myself, life just “races” by.

It has been great running with you this past year.  Together WE completed 9 races, the shortest being a 10k, and the longest the full marathon.  Have really appreciated your encouragement, camaraderie and support this past year.  The year 2016 already has me registered for 6 races, with 3 or 4 more to be added (1 of them possible being an Ultra) to top it off at 9 or 10 races. It is good to plan and train, but so much can happen in life.   I have learned that each day is a gift, and nothing is guaranteed.

My 9 race bibs from 2015, 7 which had finishers medals.

My 9 race bibs from 2015, 7 which had finishers medals.

WordPress has shared with me from my stats that I have had over 10,000 visits to my blog this past year coming from 92 countries.  This is really amazing and humbling.  One of the things I love the most is the interaction.  So many have left wonderful, encouraging, well articulated comments.  Out of the few hundred followers, in the post 2015 in Review WordPress has mentioned 5 bloggers that are my most active commentators.  As a thank you, I would like to share these bloggers in a “shout out”.

Blogger #5:  SEE FLECK RUN. (20 comments) The cool thing about Fleck is she is also a distance runner who comes from Ontario, Canada.  Many of the things she writes about I can identify with, like training in winter, overcoming injury, and seeing those “gazelles” on your runs that are SO fast that you keep thinking you will NEVER be like that.  Her posts are very funny and creative using stick figure drawings.  They conclude with a wonderful life lesson.

Blogger #4:  NATJTAN.   (24 comments)  Natalie was one of my 1st followers, and is another runner.  She is British and lives in Barcelona, Spain.  She has an extremely informative blog on health and fitness.  But there is SO much more:  great photography, nutrition, exercise routines.  Her posts are engaging, and she often concludes her posts with a couple of questions that invite interaction. Nutrition plays such a HUGE role for a runner, and Natalie is often my “go to” person for some help and advice.

Blogger #3:  STORIES OF OUR BOYS.  (26 comments)  Living in the “Big Sur” region of California, April writes a very refreshing blog from a Christian perspective on being the mother of 4 young boys.  Being another one of my early followers, her posts bring back a lot of memories of a time when my 4 children were very young.  She has been a keen runner, but her home schooling SAHM commitments, and a chronic physical pain that has not resolved has put her running on the backburner.  April is such an encourager.

Blogger #2:  INDAH SUSANTI.  (27 comments)  Originally from Indonesia, and currently living in the Netherlands, Indah will be soon moving to the United States.  Indah hosts a photography blog which specializes on her underwater photography.  One glance at her blog, and it is easy to see why she has thousands of followers.  Yet she always takes the time to visit and share her kind and insightful comments on my site.  Although not a runner, she shares with me about Dutchie, her diver friend’s running events.

Blogger #1:  AN ARMCHAIR PERFECTIONIST.  (35 comments)  My top commentator Prajakta comes all the way from Pune, Maharashtra, India.  There are very few posts written by me that has not had her kind comments gracing my blog.  Prajakta is a long distance runner, and her blog encompasses SO much more.  There is poetry, creative writing., some that have glimpses of life in India.  The most recent posts are about her whirlwind trip coming from India to the United States.

Another trip around the sun. Hope 2016 is a GREAT one for you. Image Source!

Another spin around the sun. Hope 2016 is a GREAT one for each of you. Image Source!

Canada, Spain, United States, Netherlands and India.  Love the international representation here, and just a few of the 92 countries represented from around the world.  Your spirit has carried me in races.  You provided words of strength and encouragement through life’s obstacles thrown my way.  Thank you EVERYONE for your support.  Wishing you all an absolutely wonderful 2016.  🙂

I’d like to leave you with a video as I sign off for 2015.  Produced 9 years ago by Toronto, Canada musician Edwin, it won video of  the year back then in Canada.  A tribute to you ALL:  my running, travelling, poetic, artistic, descriptive, adventuresome, articulate, photogenic, and inspirational blogging friends.  THANK YOU 🙂


Categories: Year End RecapsTags: , , , , , , , , ,


  1. I remember reading that there is a hormone we are all born with that governs the sense of time. And that as we age this hormone diminishes in our systems. So when we are young and have lots of this time-sense hormone, time seems to stretch on forever. Remember how long summer holidays seemed?

    But as we age and this hormone lessens, our perception is that time seems to speed up. The longer we live, the less hormone we have, and the quicker each year seems to fly by.

    If this is true, wouldn’t it be wonderful to get some of this hormone back, to give us once again that magical sense of how we have so much time to do whatever we want in life. Would take away a lot of stress we feel, no?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Rod for reading and sharing such a substantive comment. This is really interesting. I do remember my summer holidays as a child, and they were SOOOO long. Mind you I grew up on a farm, which meant LOTS of work, and some days I could not wait to return to school in September….hahah. But also summer meant some fun times as a family…trips to the beach, stock car racing, drive in theatres etc. And it seemed to go on and on.

      This really makes sense about this hormone lessening as we grow older. I could use a bottle of it right about now. 🙂 It really would take away a lot of stress.

      Saw your 2nd comment, so edited the change. Wishing you an absolutely WONDERFUL 2016. Happy running! 🙂



  2. Happy New Year Carl! I’m looking forward to reading about your 2016 running adventures and races!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the shoutout, Carl! I found Natalie’s blog through yours and I love her posts!

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  4. Here’s to a wonderful 2016 where we enjoy every moment no matter how quickly they fly by!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Kristi. So much truth in your comment. To make the most and enjoy every fleeting moment. Great to have you as a fellow blogger. Have enjoyed reading about your training, running events and family adventures! 🙂

      Have a wonderful 2016! 🙂



  5. Congratulations Carl on a successful year running and blogging about it. I’ve enjoyed reading your work over the months and look forward to more in 2016. Happy New Year – here’s to many more success in 2016. ~Sharon

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  6. Its such an inspiration to read about your races and training! I am trying to work up the nerve to register for a 1/2 in the spring. I have only done one before and I am very sloooowwwww. Just worried about finding time to train with my crazy family!! : ) Best wishes in 2016!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by with your kind words and sharing from your heart. Am so thrilled you are thinking of running your 2nd half marathon. Working up the nerve to register is very understandable. I am still that way leading up to my long distance races, and I never feel like I am really prepared enough, but they always turn out well..haha.

      You are a runner which is a wonderful thing. Finding the time is a big thing. I don’t cover nearly the training mileage that some manuals recommend, but also do some cross training cycling, and time in the gym in a kick box cardio and aqua fit class plus some core exercises. Hoping it will work out. I am sure you will find your family will support you. My family does not run with me or even cheer me on at the races, but are happy that I have something that makes me happy. All the best in 2016! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking a post. I am enjoying my visit to yours, however, I have a small quibble. As a 75 year old guy who rides a bike every day, I object to your calling yourself ‘the old fellow.’ You are nothing of the sort. Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks so much, Carl! I just added all of these blogs to my ‘follow’ list. I especially am interested in reading commenter #1s! Sounds interesting! I should share my wordpress stats summary too because you were also on my list! I can’t remember what number, but my whole family (the fam reads my blog faithfully) knows you as “The old fellow who runs and writes such nice comments on your blog,” and so to make sure you weren’t weird, of course, they have all also read your blog. LOL. Not to worry. They all concluded that you are wonderful and have made a lovely addition to Stories of Our Boys. Your comments have not only encouraged me. They have encouraged my parents, Alan’s parents, and so on and so forth. 🙂 Thank you! Bet you didn’t know you had a following in Alabama. Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • WOW….April I don’t know what to say, except I am very touched and humbled. God bless your dear family. In a small sort of way I have gotten to know your family a bit through those epic family get-togethers that involve lots of travel. I always take notice of how much love and support for you, Alan and the boys from your parents, Alan’s parents, and the rest of the family during those days spent together.

      I am honoured (and thrilled) to be included in your own wordpress stats summary. And thank you for all your encouragement for myself.

      God bless you April. Wishing you an absolutely wonderful 2016!



  9. You have truly been a great addition to the WordPress family. Here is to many more successful races in the New Year. You’ve even encouraged this Georgia gal to move a bit more 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  10. What a wonderful and uplifting post. It’s truly been a pleasure following your blog Carl as your writing reflects such unique and interesting insights in to our fellow human travelers and your positive outlook is inspiring. The running part is fun too of course. Happy New Year Carl, here’s to more fun in 2016!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much Tricia. You are always so kind and generous with your comments. It is indeed an absolute pleasure to follow you as well.. Love your posts, and am totally amazed by your longsuffering in the comment section. I just don’t know how you do it.

      You were one of my top commentators. I looked up when we started following each other, and it was only this past April.

      Happy New Year to you as well Tricia. Thank you for all your camaraderie and support! 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

      • Really, April? Wow, it does seem we’ve been chatting longer than that. I mean that in a good way by the way!

        I like the new screen name too….

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, April 6th to be exact, and in a good way it does seem longer than that. Like we have known each other for much longer. 🙂
        “Canuck Carl” is my “user name” on Twitter. Thought I would start connecting the 2 a bit more starting in 2016. 🙂
        With my wife coming from New Zealand, she has a personalized licence plate for her car which says “canukiwi”. (had to drop the “c” to fit it all on the plate)…haha.
        Have a wonderful day Tricia! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Yay Yay! I get a shout out 😀 😀 Thank you so much for your kind words Carl… It has been a pleasurable and inspiring journey running with you over the last year – truly something that I looked forward too. I hope your coming year is full of success and happy memories – especially the ones who hold as you cross the finish line of races (both virtually and literally!).

    Also, what is Canuck? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Prajakta, the shout out is not much, but it is SOOOO well deserved. You are very welcome. It indeed has been wonderful running with you this past year. You have had such an amazing year yourself, and I know 2016 will be epic.

      A “Canuck” is term used mostly within Canada, and is known as someone known as a Canadian. A similarity would be an Australian, who is sometimes referred to as an “Aussie”, or a British person sometimes referred to as a “Brit”. I’m curious now, is there any different term you would use in India?

      Thank you so much Prajakta for all your support. You are a very kind person. Your wonderful comments have added so much dimension. I appreciate you so very much! 🙂



  12. Hi Carl! Happy New Year! I love the post and the video. I had not heard it before and thought it was great. It is truly great to be alive. I am excited to watch you accomplish your running goals this year. It great that you have signed up already. I have signed up for three 5k’s myself. I followed those mentioned on your post as well. So many inspiring stories. I am looking forward to them all.

    Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Tami,

      Thank you so much for the follow back and your wonderful comment. It was such a random thing I found you, and am SO glad I did. I have been blogging just under one and a half years, and it has been a wonderful experience. So many great people who inspire. I find writing very therapeutic for me, and having that camaraderie that comes with blogging, is a HUGE bonus.

      You are such an inspiration Tami. Such an incredible attitude of positivity rising above the journey you went through this past year. To stare cancer in the face like you have would really give LIFE a whole new meaning. And thank you for sharing about your upcoming races. Am really, really excited for you. 🙂

      Have a wonderful day yourself! 🙂



  13. Still learning the site. Sorry for the repeat post


  14. I hope you have an awesome new year Carl! Run some for me! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thank you so much for the shout out! It has been a pleasure to follow and read your blog posts 🙂 Keep running and writing Carl! Best wishes from Minneapolis – it’s getting cold here 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohhh Indah, coming to winter like this must be such a shock to your body. Where I live is pretty much on the same parallel as yourself, even though I am “up” in Canada. Travelling east, you would cross Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, and I am in Southern Ontario, where Canada drops south. I sincerely hope you adjust quickly.

      You are SO welcome for the “shout out”. I appreciate people like yourself very much. Love having you here. Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

  16. Best wishes to you and your family for the new year. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    I have been having tech issues with my site , so I had to close it down for alittl while. Up and running again but I am having to resend follow rquests. Hnce I am a new follower..😳😳😳


    Good to be back ..


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Barbara for your kind wishes. So wonderful to have you back. I checked if I needed to re-follow you myself, and I still have you as one of the blogs I follow, so everything is good to go for the New Year. 🙂

      I appreciate you so much for your support. You are a wonderful person. God’s richest blessings for 2016! 🙂


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  17. The world is a little smaller through the blogosphere! We make friends with people from places that we hope to visit, but may never make it there. All the best for accomplishing your 2016 goals and for discovering adventures along the way!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Congratulations on a wonderful year Carl! I love this post as I too feel so humbled when people take time to leave comments. It’s a wonderful blogosphere out there. i wish you every success and happiness in 2016!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Great idea to thank your top commenters.

    Hope your running in 2016 is just as successful as 2105 and most of all, you stay healthy.

    We older runners need to stick together.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really appreciate this Darlene, my commentators really mean a lot to me. Yeah we really need to stick together as older runners. Wishing you all the best in 2016. May you have a successful and safe running season! 🙂



  20. Happy new year and good luck for your new running challenges !

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I am late reading this dear Carl! But how cool that your top five commenters are from diverse locations – that sure does say so much! The photo of your bibs and medals is a special shot! And the coming year’s runs ( well we are more than 60 days into 2016) but the events sound fun! I might do a local 5k – lol – small fries for you – but right up my alley- and funny thing is I actually found out about the run thru a WordPress blog ad – I sure get tired of ads – but sometimes the relevant ones are functional in that we know what is going on and all that – and in this case it showed me a 5k in April 26. A big maybe still (10% chance) so I will let you rank up the running miles for all of us! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • So wonderful to have you stop by and share this. And I am very excited about your run in just over a month away. It will be fun.

      Just noticed your comment right now. For Lent this year I decided to give up blogging for the 40 days. I have missed it, but it has been a good experience. It has made me realize how much time I spend on the blog.

      I appreciate your support so much! 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

  22. Hi, Fab blog! I have just set up mine, but still in the very early stages! Just making efforts to link in with fellow bloggers to improve our followers and get the word out there for us both. I would appreciate you having a peek at my blog, as I have just published my second post. Feel free to like, comment, follow or just take a peek. Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I love how you truly appreciate all of your supporters! This is what running (or life, in general) is all about!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Jenna for reading and sharing. Where would we be without all our support, both in life and running? And thank YOU for your support. Means a lot! 🙂

      Have an absolutely WONDERFUL weekend! 🙂



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